Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Book blogs and websites

I have not been blogging for couple months. While gearing up for the Holidays I could not set my mind to it. Since then I needed to keep my mind on getting back to my regular routine. In my free time I have been reading. My daughter is very enthusiastic about goodreads.com. This site offers the tools to help you keep track of what you have read as well as books you want to read. I think this is a great idea. I have only recently started to use this site and I do not have many books listed.

I have intended to go back and read some of the books I read years ago. Last week I got started on that with one of my favorites, Hannah Fowler by Janice Holt Giles.

I have been looking around on the internet at book reviews to find out what I want to read next. I read old and new stories, and I tend to like happy endings. I also have to force myself to break away from the pioneer genre at times but it will always be my favorite.
I have included a few links to book review sites you might enjoy.

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